Friday, October 23, 2009

From the Dusty Corners

I thought I would just show you some of the "little" things in my house.

It's these little things that make me feel warm.

It never seems to be big things that get me going.

This is a jar full of goodies from my sweet friend, Jen.
She gave this to me when her and her hubby came for dinner one night.
I really need to invite them over more often.
Now, when they invite us over how in the world am I even going to give them something comparable.
This is just soooooo cute.
( I didn't even show the darling pillow she also gave me. Sheesh....she's good)
Let's also not forget that she was just published in Country Living Magazine.
I told you she was good!

Just a shelf with a little corner of cute.

I just adore this little jar filled with vintage shredded paper.
It was suppose to go in my shop.
I just couldn't part with it.

Has anyone else noticed how cute the match boxed are these days.
I seem to pick them up everywhere.
I feel a new collection coming on.
How cute would they all be thrown into a BIG apothecary jar?

Well, there ya have it.

Happy Weekend!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

*Just Another Quirk*

Just another thing you are about to learn about our Maisy.

She loves to buy things that she thinks are really neat.

Sometimes before she even knows what the heck she is going to do with them.

When she was in New York in the spring she went to the Rachel Ashwell, Shabby Chic store.

She fell in LOOOOOVE with these baskets.

She proceeded to buy three of them.
(hey, she told me they were half off)

Now she has them and doesn't know what to do with them.

Do you think you could help her out and give her some suggestions?

Thanks for helping out our dear 'ol Maisy.

(I have no idea why I did this ENTIRE post in 3rd person. Just another quirk.)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Maisy Went Junkin'

So this past weekend I went junkin'.

I had so much fun.

I have had my eye out for a vintage gumball machine.

With all the pieces intact.

This is the kind that is super, duper, mighty heavy.
It has grunge I can't even clean off.
Since growing up in a family that owned candy store....
This makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

A vintage seltzer bottle.
Now, if I could just figure out where to put it.

This is a stack of old post cards.
Some of them date back to 1881.
It's really hard to read some of the writing.
It's so squiggly, wiggly.


What did you do this past weekend?


Friday, October 16, 2009

Catching Up

First, I would like to start off by saying HAPPY FRIDAY!

This has felt like a long week.

Maybe it's because I cooked dinner almost every night this week.

Who knows....who cares...just HAPPY WEEKEND!!!

I have been attempting to catch up on some of the things I have fallen behind on.

The big one is listing items at Maisy's Market.

Yesterday I got around to a few items.
I still have oodles and oodles more!

I'm sooooo hearting vintage flower frogs.
(sometime I would like to use them as weapons on family members who don't clean up after know who you are...don't act shocked)

Oh wait...I like this one too much...I didn't list it.
I actually have 3 of these.

Forest Gump said "life is like a box of chocolates"....
I say "life is like a bowl of cherries"....sorry....that's all I could come up with on short notice.

Ain't she purrrrrdy,

I love her.

Ahhhh blue....I think I will paint the ceiling blue...
Just kidding...that was all I could come up with about blue.

If I was keeping this I would want all my meals served to me on this.
I'm not even kidding.
The rest of the family would be eating off of paper plates and I would be eating off of this gorgeous piece.
(i'm not serious.........we NEVER use paper plates unless it's party time....)

Well...I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Get out there and enjoy the rain, snow, sunshine or wind....or you can just stay in and watch movies, knit, cook, talk on the phone, blog, laundry, get the point.
Whatever you do be sure to enjoy yourself....the weekends are so short~

PS....Jen from Sanctuary Arts got a full page spread in Country Living Magazine.
Be sure to stop over there and congratulate her.
JEN...YOU ROCK!!!!!!
I'm soooo happy we are friends.
My days/life would be boring without you.
I'm so proud of you....keep going...this is just the beginning.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


As many of you know I am not a HUGE fan of Pottery Barn.

However, I think I'm on Team Pottery Barn again.

Just look below at the new pillows on my couch.

They just look so good on my red couch.

I had the pillow inserts. I just bought the cases.

I have been in love with Pottery Barn's last 2 catalogs.
I happen to be strolling past it yesterday while on my mission to get boots.
This nagging feeling came over me.
It was saying..."put your pride aside and just do it"
So I just did it.

I'm so happy I did.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sometimes It Just Hits Me

It's that time again....

You know the time.

The time when it's time to go through the drawers and put your summer clothes away.

Now don't let me fool you.

It's just the little man's clothes that I do with this.

As you will notice in this photo he is in a long sleeve shirt.
It's cold outside.

Notice the jeans.
It's cold outside.

I was going through his drawers and closet when all of a sudden.....out of nowhere...
like a punch to the stomach....
my chin started quivering.
My eyes started to fill up.
Then it just let loose.
I started to ugly cry.
(for some reason I don't really have an in between cry)
Right there as I was going through his clothes.

I just feel so sad.
It seems like every season that ends and a new one starts it's just more time I can't get back with Bradley.
As I type this I continue to cry.
I can't stop.

For some reason, I miss him.
I know, I know he is still little.
I have tons and tons of time left with him.
It's just that I know how quick time goes by.

I think about the fact that our oldest hasn't lived at home full time for over over 6 years.
Sometimes I miss him so much my heart hurts.
Not a miss that is selfish. I feel like all my kids have a life to live.
I am so very happy for them.
They are all doing so well....
It's just that I miss having them all under the same roof for more than a day or two.
To be honest I don't think I have had ALL of them under the same roof in almost a year.
He's my step-son....imagine how I will feel when it's Bradley.

Then I take this picture and laugh.
He's giving me the whole....
"hurry Mom, I have to get back to Club Penguin"
When I took this he said....."Only one Mom, right???"
OMG I just love Bradley more than I thought my heart could love.

I just want you all to know that I am not fantasizing.
I was ready to to do some serious damage to him at Monkey Joe's for bugging the shit out of me for tokens to play games.

I just want to hold them all close.
Close enough so they can come back to the nest whenever they want.
Close enough for Sunday dinner.
Close enough to come over to watch a game on the couch and to not worry....they are home.
Close enough for them to know it will all be OK because they KNOW they are loved endlessly.

Ok, I really have to end this post....I have to stop crying.

Just as an FYI...I kept Bradley's big summer t-shirts out. That way I can just put a long sleeve shirt underneath it and feel like the season hasn't actually changed. Just a little trick I play on myself every fall.

Am I crazy???
Am I the only one that ugly cries about this??




No school today!

I think I get more excited than Bradley does.
(i am that mom that can't sleep if i think there is a chance for a snow day cause i'm just laying there hoping and hoping)

As promised....this is what we will be doing today!

I don't know if you have a Monkey's Joe where you live.

It's a huge place for kids to jump and play.

(I took this photo from google....i have no idea who that little boy is)

The one by my house is so new so it is SUPER clean.
After being at MJ's I can't go back to Chuckie Cheese. It's just so gross.

The best part is parents are free and it's only $8 per child.
A family could stay form 10 AM - 8PM.
(geez, that would make for a long day)
There is no way your kids can get out of the building without you.
They have leather recliners, big flat screen tv's and free wireless for the parents.

The only part that is disappointing is they don't let adults on the jumpy things unless you have a little one.
Maybe I should have a baby so I can go to Monkey Joe's and play.

Happy Monday!!!!
Enjoy your day!!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Maisy Had to Make A Change

I FINALLY went today to buy a new computer.

I originally thought the problem was the thing that hold the plug that is attached to the motherboard.

NOPE!!!! The motherboard was fried.

They think it was because the cord was tripped on tooooo many times.

That made me decide that when I get my new computer I will try to not stretch the cord.

That's tough for me.

I like to work at the kitchen table...the couch....the bed!

Goodbye table, couch and's time for Maisy to set up a "computer station"

Here it is.....

Table against a wall.....check.
Outlet close to the table.....check.

It's a pretty small table.
However, I was able to fill it with things that make me feel good....old books, old clock, some milk glass, and oh that a glass of wine??

I feel like a proud new mom....
Now I just need to name the new computer....I was thinking Lilly, Sally or maybe even Shiba (she is a Toshiba).

I will have to let you know what I decide. I need to spend a bit of time with her before I decide.

Sheesh, it sounds like I'm trying to name a new pet.

Man, I really need to get back to blogging.
I'm starting to get realllllly weird!

Thanks so much for being so patient...I feel like I have been out of the country on a remote island for a while. I need to get back into the swing of things.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I find blogging to be interesting.
I find it fun.
I find it sometimes a bit confusing.
(ya know when someone leaves a comment and you are just stumped..then you e-mail them and realize that your brain is just slow)

The thing is that in our blogs we can create ourselves to be whatever we want.
It's actually a bit scary.

We can make it out like our marriages are complete bliss.
(i have been guilty of this myself, remember....I usually only post the good stuff....I tend to leave the hard stuff out. I do believe that when I am ready I will give you all the dirt.)

We can make it like our kids are perfect.
(this one I am not guilty of....I would be more than happy to tell you that my kids drive me bonkers sometimes)

We can talk about how much we love parenting when in reality the children are just tokens.

We can glamorize our lives.

We can transform it into something it just isn't.

I mention it because I have seen it time and time again.

I just want everyone to know that I am going to work realllly hard to just be me.
I am going to work hard at letting you see my heart (doesn't mean that it will always be pretty)
I find it hard to do anything other than that.

It kind of reminds me of middle school.
You wear a different hat with each different person you are with.
You so badly want the attention so you are willing to sell yourself out.
When I was in middle school I would have cut my right arm off to be popular.
I think back on that and I cringe.

I want to stand up as a woman and let the world know who I am.
I don't want to let the world dictate to me who I should be.

I'm just plain 'Ol Maisy.
Trying to make it through this thing called life.
Trying to make it without too many scratches and scars.

So, with all that being said....I'm just going to ask you tread lightly when making friends online.
Remember, the person on the other end of the friendship typically lives hundreds of miles away.
You can't possibly really know how they are.
They could just be what they want you to THINK they are!

Have a great Tuesday!
Hope the sun is shining and the air is crisp where you are.
Here, it is rainy and cold.
Sounds like a great book day to me~

Monday, October 5, 2009

I Need Your Help

R.I.P little laptop
When I dropped my laptop off at the repair shop they told me it was the little thing that the plug plugs into that is attached to the motherboard.
That is a $300 repair. I took a big gulp and said they should just repair it.
Hey, it's way cheaper than buying a new laptop. Right??

Then they called me a week later and told me it is in tacked and that the mother board is fried.
That repair would cost $500 to repair.
I gagged for a quick moment and then pulled myself together.
I think a tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek.
I told them not to bother, I would pick up the computer.
I have to be honest, I am a little pissed about this.
It is 13 months old.....1 month out of the warranty.

Now here is my dilemma...
Now I have to buy a new laptop.
Remember, I don't share well.
I need my own computer.

Do any of you have a laptop?
I need to know if any of you recommend one.
I am not a mac girl.
I can't justify spending $1300 on a computer.
I pretty much surf the web, blog, download photos and update my Etsy store.
I don't need anything too fancy.
My previous laptop was a Toshiba Satellite.

I haven't been blogging because I don't like our desktop computer.
For some reason it takes like 10 minutes to warm up.
Please, if you are going to ask me why I would like you to e-mail me.
I will give you my hubby's e-mail address.

Please, please, please let me know if you are happy with your laptop.
You are all the best bloggy friends a girl could ask for.

PS. I'm so happy....I did back up my computer just a few days before she fell ill :)